Five years ago we were blessed to use Adoption Assistance in conjunction with American Adoptions to bring our son into our home. The social worker was so kind and attentive and helped to guide our adoption process. We are blessed to still see the way Adoption Assistance continues to work to bring families together.

Adoption Assistance families receive personalized adoption support and service throughout their entire adoption journey. With our 24 hour call back and email return policy, you can be assured we are here to assist you every step of the way.
Adoption Assistance provides high quality adoption services and the most reasonable fees in the state. You can’t beat that!
Adoption Assistance is well networked within the adoption community. Our collaborative partners include both in state and out of state domestic and international placing agencies, attorneys, hospitals, adoption law groups around the United States and our 2000+ clients. This means more child matches for our waiting families!
The Adoption Assistance team has exceptional knowledge of the adoption process including interstate adoptions, independent adoptions, court finalizations, international adoptions and the adoption of embryos.
Adoption Assistance families aren’t locked into one avenue for an adoption placement. Our families can adopt children within the states of KY and TN, outside the states of KY and TN, from private cases with attorneys, older waiting children from the US foster care system, through private independent situations, through embryo adoption and through international adoption.
Adoption Assistance offers birthmothers free, high quality, personal counseling from our team of experienced, highly trained birthmother counselors.
100% of Adoption Assistance’s staff members and Adoption Case Workers have personal adoption experience meaning they have children they have adopted, family members who have adopted or been touched personally by adoption in some manner.
Adoption Assistance has Adoption Case Workers located throughout Kentucky and Tennessee so you can be guaranteed to have an adoption worker close to your area.
Adoption Assistance is a non-profit, licensed child placing agency with 20+ years of experience Building Families… Changing Lives . . Since 1999, Adoption Assistance has assisted over 2000 children find their forever families.